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Journals and E-Zines

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@EzineAlternative-XAmerican Drama
American Planet Galactic NewsAnagramBlue Raincoat Journal
The Bull Street Journal Canboulay, The Caribbean Literature QuarterlyThe Central California Poetry Journal
Clackamas Collegiate ReviewA Quarterly Journal of Academic Thought The Cream City ReviewCrossConnect
De ProverbioDimension2The Dr. Susan Block Journal
Early Modern Literary StudiesExemplariaFeelings Poetry Journal
Harvard Gay and Lesbian ReviewThe Journal at Theatre Central The Journal of African Travel-Writing
Keepsakes and Dreams: A Journal of Collaboratively-Written Stories The Milton QuarterlyMystery Readers Journal
NorthWordsPlaintextQui Parle
RenditionsRomanticism On the NetSapphic Ink
Science Fiction WeeklyTranscultureWespennest